Sikkim is a 100% organic state in India. Around 12 years ago, Pawan Chamling and his government have decided of including organic farming in Sikkim.
As Organic cultivation does not involve the use of chemical pesticides, it helps to maintain a balance among the various ecosystems which has also improved the quality of the soil.
Over the years, with the effort of the Sikkimese Government, almost 75000 hectares of land has been converted into organic farms. Now, within 1.24 million tonnes of organic production in the country around 80000 million is supplied by Sikkim alone.
What is Organic farming?
Growing crop and livestock farming that excludes the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers is called Organic farming. Sikkimese farmers largely depended on the synthetic fertilizers earlier. However, the state banned the use of it and the farmers were compelled to move to the organic way. And within a short time, Sikkim became the first ‘organic state’ of India.Principles of organic farming:
In organic farming agricultural practices, everything remains in complete synchronization with the ecosystem in a balance with nature. There are four principles of organic farming which explains the whole theory- Health: Organic agriculture should sustain the health of soil, plant, and animal or on human health. Ecology: Organic agriculture must be based on the ecological systems of the environment and must be adequately maintained. Fairness: Organic agriculture is formed on relationships of fairness without any harmful effects on the environment. Care: To protect the health and well-being of the current and future generations it should be managed responsibly.Achievements of organic farming:

Benefits of organic farming:
Organic farming has several benefits as compared to conventional farming where several chemicals are used to increase the productivity of the land:- The organic farming proves to be more profitable.
- Organic farming reduces the production cost as it does not involve synthetic fertilizers.
- The soil is the most essential component of organic farming.
- This also helps farmers to use soil for more extended periods due to its maintenance.
- Organic products are tastier and healthier than the products obtained from traditional farming.
- Organic farming impacts the ecosystem in a positive way.
- The consumption of products which are taken from organic farming lowers the risk of health problems.
Visit the first organic state in India
Being an organic state, Sikkim now enjoys its effort. It is mandatory to state that organic farming has benefited the environment in Sikkim. Moreover, it has also boosted the tourism industry in the tiny landlocked Himalayan state and helped it become a hot favorite tourist destination.Comments (0)