Feel loved and valued at Eastern Meadows Luxury Hotels
Planning a halt at Luxury Hotel? You have the right to expect "Something Specific" from those which claim to be one!
Guests spending a high amount for the hotel services! You have a right to expect and demand an exceptional standard of hospitality, in regards to everything else a luxury hotel claims to offer. We, at Eastern Meadows, have a wide range of luxury hotels that been scrutinized and selected from the unbiased reviews of the experienced and demanding luxury travelers worldwide.
We have met the uniformity of "Luxury" in the travel industry where the word "luxury" has been demoted by frequent utilization. Besides the superiority in everything, our kind of Luxury hotels is specified by the easy booking process with the provision of all the assistance you require. We have an easy and instant Check-in and Check-out, and we ensure your luggage to reach within 10 minutes of your arrival in your room. We ensure you the room that you fancied. That involves your preference for a king size bed, the physical location of your room, the choice of high or ground floor, detached from machines or generators, near to the elevator, and so on.
Speaking of the specifications, our Luxury Hotel Rooms are equipped with high-quality furnishings, with complete tasteful details. A room devoid of strong room freshener, cheap prints, and posters from Paris café shots, but rather decorated with original art and paintings, fresh air, and windows providing the most ravishing views.
Our Luxury hotels bathrooms is the domain of inspection and pride, that is provided with suitable outlets, ample space for your stuff, a tub built for him and her, perfect water pressure in the shower, shower caps, slippers and robes, toiletries, enough racks and hooks for handy laundry, high-quality towels, etc.
We have courteous hotel experts, who are cheerful and dependable. We have an outstanding dining with good food and 24 hours room service. We ensure your comfort and entertainment with a wide range of provision for indoor and outdoor activities, and facilities. Besides, we provide laundry services, Wi-Fi, babysitting, personal trainers, pet-sitting, and walking, etc.